CSM081 [1]
Data set contains summaries (summer) of the number of individuals of each species of small mammal captured (relative abundance) on each transect.
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- Label:
- Definition: Dataset code
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Record type
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Year of sample
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: Year (YYYY)
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Date of sample
- Type: Date/time
- Date format: MM/DD/YYYY
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Watershed name. Watershed (1D=annual burn replicate D; 4B=4-year burn replicate B; 4F=4-year burn replicate F; 20B=20-year burn replicate B; SpB=annual spring seasonal burn replicate B; SuB=annual or biennial summer seasonal burn replicate B; R1A=reversal burn schedule from 20-year to annual burn replicate A; R20A=reversal burn from annual to 20-year burn replicate A. Reversal treatments were initiated in 2000).
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Transect line. N, S, E, W; total transect length is 285m.
- Type: Code list
- Codes:
- N = north
- S = south
- E = east
- W = west
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Trap Station. numbered 1-20 per linear transect; each trap station is spaced 15m apart; two traps are set concurrently at each trap station; station 1 is always northernmost, station 20 is always southernmost for each transect.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: number
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Species code. PMMA=Peromyscus maniculatus; PMLE=Peromyscus leucopus; REME=Reithrodontomys megalotis; REMO=Reithrodontomys montanus; NEFL=Neotoma floridana; MIOC=Microtus ochrogaster; MIPI=Microtus pinetorum; SIHI=Sigmodon hispidus; CHHI=Chaetodipus hispidus; BLHA=Blarina hylophaga; CRPA=Cryptotis parva; SYFL=Sylvalagus floridanus; DIVI=Didelphis virginiana; ZAHU=Zapus hudsonius; ICTR=Ictidomys tridecemlineatus
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Specimen Number 1. 3-digit and 4-digit numbers correspond to ear tag numbers; NA=Not Applicable; generally assigned to escaped individuals.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: number
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- . = Missing or Not Measured
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Specimen Number 2. 3-digit and 4-digit numbers correspond to ear tag numbers; used in the event of multiple ear tags, where the higher number is Specimen Number 2.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: number
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: Not specified
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Voucher Number. 6-digit number prefixed with NK (eg. NK123456) corresponds to specimen accession number for Museum of Southwestern Biology (University of New Mexico) where voucher specimen materials are being deposited.
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Recapture Status.
- Type: Code list
- Codes:
- Y = Yes (recapture of same year)
- N = No (new individual)
- A = Annual (recapture from a previous year)
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Disposition. each treatment watershed has one catch-and-release transect (1D-E, 20B-E, 4B-W, 4F-W, R1A-S, R20A-W, SpB-S, SuB-E) and one specimen removal transect (1D-W, 20B-W, 4B-E, 4F-E, R1A-N, R20A-E, SpB-N, SuB-W); generally all specimens from catch-and-release transects are released unless they are found dead in trap or are otherwise collected for specimen voucher purposes; all specimens from removal transects become vouchers.
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Total Length. measurement (mm) from tip of nose to tip of tail when specimen is laid flat on the back, not including tail tuft; brackets indicate inaccurate or incomplete measurement.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: millimeter
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: 0.1
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Tail Length.measurement (mm) from base to tip of tail when tail is perpendicular to body laid on stomach, not including tail tuft; brackets indicate inaccurate or incomplete measurement.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: millimeter
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: 0.1
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Hind Foot Length. measurement (mm) from heel to tip of longest toe nail on left hind foot.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: millimeter
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: 0.1
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Ear Length. measurement (mm) from ear notch to furthest edge of pinna.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: millimeter
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: 0.1
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Weight. measurement (g) of whole body mass.
- Type: Physical quantity
- Unit: gram
- Maximum: Not specified
- Minimum: Not specified
- Precision: 0.1
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Sex. M=Male; F=Female. comments col (M?=putative male, F?=putative female).
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Age
- Type: Code list
- Codes:
- A = Adult
- JUV = Juvenile
- SA = Youth adult
- Missing values:
- NA = Missing or Not Measured
- Label:
- Definition: Reproductive Condition. S=Scrotal male; NS=Non-scrotal male; C=vagina closed; O=vagina perforated; S=nipples small; E=nipples enlarged; N=non-lactating; L=lactating
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
- Label:
- Definition: Relevant descriptive comments; OTB=old tail bob; NTB=new tail bob; other.
- Type: Nominal
- Missing values: None specified
Number of records:
2 102