Konza LTER Publications
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Species loss due to nutrient addition increases with spatial scale in global grasslands. . Ecology Letters. 2021;24(10):2100 - 2112. doi:10.1111/ele.v24.1010.1111/ele.13838.
Temporal rarity is a better predictor of local extinction risk than spatial rarity. Ecology. 2021;102(11). doi:10.1002/ecy.3504.
Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment. Ecology Letters. 2022;25(12):2699-2712. doi:10.1111/ele.14126.
Nutrient identity modifies the destabilising effects of eutrophication in grasslands. . Ecology Letters. 2022;259(4):754 - 765. doi:10.1111/ele.v25.410.1111/ele.13946.
Nothing lasts forever: Dominant species decline under rapid environmental change in global grasslands. Journal of Ecology. 2023;111(11):2472-2482. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.14198.