Primary Production

Data Set Title Investigator Data Range
NGE01 Chronic Addition of Nitrogen Gradient Experiment (ChANGE): Assessing threshold responses of plant community composition and ecosystem processes at Konza Prairie Dr. Melinda D. Smith 2013 to 2021
HRE01 Environmental heterogeneity restoration experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. Sara G. Baer 1998 to 2017
AOP01 Correspondence between plant traits and NEON Airborne Observatory Platform (AOP) data at Konza Prairie (2017) Dr. Stephanie Pau, Dr. Jesse Nippert 2017
CEE01 The Climate Extremes Experiment (CEE): Assessing ecosystem resistance and resilience to repeated climate extremes at Konza Prairie Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Alan K. Knapp 2010 to 2021
CME01 The Consumer Size Manipulation Experiment (ConSME) at Konza Prairie Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Meghan Avolio, Dr. Andrew Hope, Dr. Sally Koerner, Dr. Allison Louthan, Dr. Kevin Wilcox 2019 to 2022
CMY01 Mycorrhizal colonization and plant community responses to long-term suppression of Mycorrhizal Fungi Dr. Gail W. T. Wilson 1991 to 1995
CSM09 Small mammal host-parasite sampling data associated with the Consume herbivore exclusion plots across two burned and native-grazed watersheds at Konza Prairie Dr. Andrew Hope 2022
DPP01 Drought experiment nested within the phosphorus plots experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. Meghan Avolio 2010 to 2015
GFE01 Ghost Fire: an experimental manipulation of fire effects on multi-trophic community dynamics in the ungrazed uplands of unburned and annually burned watersheds of Konza Prairie Dr. Sally Koerner, Dr. Meghan Avolio, Dr. David Hoover, Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Kevin Wilcox, Dr. Lydia Zeglin 2014 to 2022
GIS50 Coverages Defining the Konza Producer Data Sample Locations (1982-present) Dr. Zak Ratajczak 1982 to 2019
GIS55 GIS Coverages Defining the Konza HQ Irrigation System (1982-present) Dr. Zak Ratajczak 1982 to 2019
GIS68 GIS Coverages of Konza Prairie Research Experiments in 2020 Dr. Zak Ratajczak 2020
KKE01 The Konza-Kruger Experiment: A cross-continental fire and grazing experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Sally Koerner 2006 to 2013
KKE02 The Konza-Kruger Experiment: Net primary production data (2010-2011) Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Scott L. Collins, Dr. Alan K. Knapp 2010 to 2011
LTM01 Herbarium and grassland sites leaf trait measurements at Konza Prairie Ryan Donnelly, Dr. Jesse Nippert 2021 to 2022
NUT01 Nutrient Network: Investigating the roles of nutrient availability and vertebrate herbivory on grassland structure and function at Konza Prairie Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Melinda D. Smith 2007 to 2022
PAB01 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on core LTER watersheds (001d, 004b, 020b) Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Jesse Nippert 1984 to 2023
PAB02 Biweekly measurement of aboveground net primary productivity on an unburned and annually burned watershed at Konza Prairie Dr. Alan K. Knapp 1984 to 2000
PAB03 Aboveground primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on LTER watersheds burned at different seasons Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Jesse Nippert 1994 to 2018
PAB04 Aboveground primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on miscellaneous LTER watersheds Dr. Jesse Nippert 1984 to 2016
PAB05 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass on the LTER fire reversal experiment watersheds Dr. Jesse Nippert 1997 to 2018
PBB01 Belowground Plot Experiment: Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Lydia Zeglin 1986 to 2021
PBB02 Belowground Plot Experiment: Biomass and nutrient content of Rhizomes Dr. Charles W. Rice 1987 to 1994
PBB03 Belowground Plot Experiment: Belowground plot experiment: biomass and nutrient content of Roots Dr. Charles W. Rice 1989 to 1994
PBG02 Aboveground primary productivity within permanent and rotating grazing exclosures in the Patch-Burn Grazing Experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. David C. Hartnett 2010 to 2015
PBG03 Disk pasture meter measurements to estimate plant standing biomass in the Patch-Burn Grazing experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. Anthony Joern, Dr. Jesse Nippert 2011 to 2024
PBG04 Reproductive effort of Big Bluestem, Indiangrass and Little Bluestem in the Patch-Burn Grazing Experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. David C. Hartnett 2012 to 2024
PEB01 Aboveground net primary productivity of tallgrass prairie based on accumulated plant biomass in grazing exclsoures on bison-grazed watersheds Dr. David C. Hartnett 1992 to 2016
PEC01 Elemental chemistry of plant tissue collected for the Konza LTER aboveground plant biomass on Konza Prairie core watersheds Dr. Ellen Welti 1985 to 2016
PFS01 Reproductive effort of Big Bluestem, Indiangrass, and Little Bluestem on belowground plots Dr. David C. Hartnett 1986 to 1988
PGL01 Litterfall collection in riparian gallery forest at Konza Prairie Dr. Jesse Nippert 1981 to 2021
PGT01 Konza prairie grass species trait Ryan Donnelly, Dr. Jesse Nippert 2020
PPL01 Konza prairie long-term phosphorus plots experiment Dr. Meghan Avolio, Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Kevin Wilcox 2002 to 2021
PPS01 Konza prairie plant species list Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. John M. Blair, Jeffrey H. Taylor 1971 to 2023
PRE02 Reproductive effort of Big Bluestem, Indiangrass and Little Bluestem on selected Konza Prairie LTER watersheds Dr. David C. Hartnett 1982 to 2023
PRP01 Konza prairie long term restoration study of aboveground annual net primary productivity (ANPP) Dr. Sara G. Baer, Dr. John M. Blair, Dr. Scott L. Collins 1998 to 2019
PRW01 Fine root density and turnover based on root window observations Dr. John M. Blair 1986 to 1989
PTN01 Aboveground net primary productivity along transects spanning topographic gradients on an annually burned and unburned watershed at Konza Prairie Dr. John M. Blair 1989 to 1997
PVC02 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza Prairie Dr. David C. Hartnett, Dr. Scott L. Collins, Dr. Zak Ratajczak 1983 to 2024
PWV01 Cover of woody vegetation at Konza Prairie Dr. Jesse Nippert, Dr. Zak Ratajczak 1981 to 1986
RMP01 Rainfall manipulation plot study at Konza Prairie Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Scott L. Collins, Dr. John M. Blair 1997 to 2012
SNE01 Species richness, community evenness (Evar) and ANPP effects of nitrogen addition across a gradient of 8 levels in a semi-arid shortgrass steppe and a mesic tallgrass prairie, 2014-2018 Dr. Melinda D. Smith 2014 to 2018
SRH01 Seed release height and terminal velocity of forb species at Konza Prairie Sarah Herzog, Dr. Allison Louthan 2022 to 2024
SRM01 ShRaMPs (Shrub Rainout Manipulation Plots): interactive effects of drought and fire on grass and shrub physiology and productivity at Konza Prairie Rachel Keen, Dr. Jesse Nippert 2019 to 2022
SRP01 Sequential prairie restoration experiment at Konza Prairie Dr. Sara G. Baer, George Manning, Katie Eckhoff 2010 to 2020
VIR01 Effects of invertebate and vertebrate herbivory on tallgrass prairie plant community composition and biomass, Konza Prairie LTER Dr. Kimberly Komatsu, Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. Anthony Joern 2009 to 2022
WAT01 Konza Prairie long-term irrigation transect study Dr. John M. Blair 1991 to 2024
WAT02 Climate legacies determine grassland responses to future rainfall regimes Caitlin Broderick, Kate Wilkins, Dr. Melinda D. Smith, Dr. John M. Blair 2017 to 2020