Bringing Bayesian Models to Life

TitleBringing Bayesian Models to Life
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHooten, MB, Hefley, TJ
PublisherChapman and Hall/CRC Press
ISBN Number9780429243653
Accession NumberKNZ001947

Bringing Bayesian Models to Life empowers the reader to extend, enhance, and implement statistical models for ecological and environmental data analysis. We open the black box and show the reader how to connect modern statistical models to computer algorithms. These algorithms allow the user to fit models that answer their scientific questions without needing to rely on automated Bayesian software. We show how to handcraft statistical models that are useful in ecological and environmental science including: linear and generalized linear models, spatial and time series models, occupancy and capture-recapture models, animal movement models, spatio-temporal models, and integrated population-models.