New records of earthworms from Kansas (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecide)

TitleNew records of earthworms from Kansas (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecide)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1984
AuthorsJames, SW
JournalThe Prairie Naturalist
Pagination91 -95
Accession NumberKNZ0061

Several species of earthworms have been previously recorded from the state of Kansas. Here I report the occurrence of nine more species from Douglas, Geary, and Riley counties. They are Diplocardia prosenteris, D. smithi, D. verrucosa, D. sp. A, D. sp. B, Aporrectodea turgida, Octolasion cyaneum, O. tyrtaeum, and Amynthas hupeiensis. Some brief notes on the biology of the worms are presented