Date Range:
Monday, January 25, 2010 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Publication Date:
Friday, January 17, 2025
To estimate grasshopper densities in the patch-burn grazing experiment.
Location of Sampling Stations: Grasshopper density is determined on upland topographic location. C3A, C3B, C3C, C1A, C3SA, C3SB, C3SC, C1B
Frequency of Sampling: Grasshopper densities are sampled once in late Fall (August-September).
Variable Measured: Grasshopper density.
Methods: Three watershed units (C3A, C3B, C3C) constitute 'patches' that are alternately burned in a 3-year rotation within a single, fenced pasture (i.e., patch-burn grazing). Two additional watersheds are serving as controls: a grazed, annually/uniformly-burned watershed (C1A) and an ungrazed, annually/uniformly-burned watershed (1D). At each site, grasshopper densities are sampled using the ring count method (Onsager 1977*), a standard technique for estimating grasshopper densities. Twenty quadrats (0.1 m2) are placed along four transects at each site (80 quadrats per site) and left in place for a minimum of 5 hours. Then, grasshopper densities are counted by slowly approaching each ring and counting the number of grasshoppers within each ring.
*Onsager J.A. (1977). Comparison of 5 methods for estimating density of rangeland grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 70: 187-190. DOI: 10.1093/jee/70.2.187
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