Watershed research at Konza-tallgrass prairie

TitleWatershed research at Konza-tallgrass prairie
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsKoelliker, JK, Gurtz, ME, Marzolf, GR
EditorWaldrop, WR
Book TitleHydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age Vol.1
Pagination862 -867
PublisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
CityNew York, NY
Accession NumberKNZ0092
Keywordstallgrass prairie

The Konza Prairie Research Natural Area is the only tallgrass prairie site in the network of Long-Term Ecological Research sites. Watershed research at Konza is designed to assist in increasing the understanding of water and nutrient cycling in the ecosystem and evaluating the role of fire and grazing on the maintenance of the ecosystem. Brief descriptions of the hydrology, instrumentation, and short- term results are presented