Primary Production

CMY01 Mycorrhizal colonization and plant community responses to long-term suppression of Mycorrhizal Fungi


Twenty replicate permanent 2x2 m plots were established in early 1991 along a randomly located transect, with a 2m space between each plot, on the following watersheds: 1B, 1D, annually burned HQB, 10B, 20D and infrequently burned HQB. Ten of the plots were randomly assigned as long-term mycorrhizal suppression plots. In each of these plots, AM fungi were suppressed by the application of the fungicide benomyl as a soil drench (7.5 liters per plot) at the rate of 1.25 g/m2 (active ingredient). The mycorrhizal suppression plots were treated biweekly throughout each growing season (April through October) beginning in 1991. The control plots each received no fungicide, but an equivalent volume of water (7.5 liters) was applied biweekly. To evaluate the effectiveness of the fungicide, three soil cores (2.5 cm diameter x 14 cm deep) were removed from both fungicide-treated and control plots each October throughout the study. Roots were extracted from the soil, washed free of soil, stained in trypan blue (Phillips and Hayman, 1970), and examined microscopically to assess percentage root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi using a Petri dish scored in 1-cm squares (Daniels et al.1981).

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Study plant community and mycorrhizal colonization response to long-term suppression of mycorrhizal fungi.


Location of Sampling Stations: Watersheds 1B, 1D, annual burned HQB, 10B, 20D and infrequently burned HQB.

Frequency of Sampling: To evaluate the effectiveness of the fungicide, three soil cores were removed from both fungicide-treated and control plots each October.

Methods: Twenty replicate permanent 2x2 m plots were established in early 1991 along a randomly located transect, with a 2m space between each plot, on the following watersheds:1B,1D, annually burned HQB,10B, 20D and infrequently burned HQB. Ten of the plots were randomly assigned as long-term mycorrhizal suppression plots. In each of these plots, AM fungi were suppressed by the application of the fungicide benomyl as a soil drench (7.5 liters per plot) at the rate of 1.25 g/m2 (active ingredient). The mycorrhizal suppression plots were treated biweekly throughout each growing season (April through October) beginning in 1991. The control plots each received no fungicide, but an equivalent volume of water (7.5 liters) was applied biweekly. To evaluate the effectiveness of the fungicide, three soil cores (2.5 cm diameter x 14 cm deep) were removed from both fungicide-treated and control plots each October throughout the study. Roots were extracted from the soil, washed free of soil, stained in trypan blue (Phillips and Hayman, 1970), and examined microscopically to assess percentage root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi using a Petri dish scored in 1-cm squares (Daniels et al. 1981).

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