Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of Burn
RecMonthPhysical quantitymonth of Burn
RecDayPhysical quantityday of Burn
watershedNominalLocation of data collection
SoilCode listsoil type tully, florence, or irwin
agePhysical quantityLength of time spent in field-days
TypeCode listOrganic matter type (standing dead S or litter L)
FolnPhysical quantity% nitrogen in foliage
FolpPhysical quantity% phosphorus in foliage
StmnPhysical quantity% nitrogen in stem
StmpPhysical quantity% phosphorus in stem
IFWTPhysical quantityInitial foliage weight
FFWTPhysical quantityFinal foliage weight
ISWTPhysical quantityInitial stem weight
FSWTPhysical quantityFinal stem weight
IDPhysical quantityrecord ID
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