| RecYear | | Physical quantity | Year collected |
| NestID | | Nominal | Unique nest ID, but no consistency between years |
| Species | | Nominal | 4-digit AOU (now AOS) approved bird species code |
| Unit | | Nominal | Konza watershed |
| Graze | | Nominal | Grazed by cattle (Y or N) |
| Burn | | Physical quantity | Years since last prescribed burn (0, 1, 2) |
| Patch | | Nominal | Effective management regime and year since burn, includes patch-burn grazing (PBG0-2), annually burning and grazing (ABG), and annually burning but no grazing (ABN) |
| Treatment | | Nominal | Effective management regime, includes patch-burn grazing (PBG), annually burning and grazing (ABG), and annually burning but no grazing (ABN) |
| UTM1 | | Physical quantity | East/West coordinate |
| UTM2 | | Physical quantity | North/South coordinate |
| Method | | Nominal | Method that was used to first locate the nest |
| StageFound | | Nominal | At what stage the nest was first located (Building, Laying, Incubation, or Brooding) |
| SurvTillIncub | | Nominal | Whether the nest survived until at least one egg hatched (Y or N) |
| DateFirstFound | | Date/time | The date on which the nest was first located |
| DateLastPresent | | Date/time | The last date on which a nest was still considered active |
| DateLastChecked | | Date/time | The final date a nest was visited and nest fate was determined |
| FirstFound | | Physical quantity | The Julian date on which the nest was first located |
| LastPresent | | Physical quantity | The last Julian date on which a nest was still considered active |
| LastChecked | | Physical quantity | The final Julian date a nest was visited and nest fate was determined |
| NestFate | | Nominal | The final fate of the nest, includes Successful (S), Failed (F), or Unknown (U) |
| Fate | | Physical quantity | The numerical final fate of the nest for nest survival analyses, includes Successful (0), Failed (1), or Unknown (2) |
| Cause | | Nominal | Whether a nest was successful or not, and lists the cause of failure if the nest was not successful. A failed nest could have been Abandoned, Depredated, Trampled, or have an Unknown cause of failure |
| Parasitized | | Nominal | Whether a nest was parasitized by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) or not |
| Maxhosteggs | | Physical quantity | The maximum number of host eggs present in the nest cup at one time |
| MaxBHCOeggs | | Physical quantity | The maximum number of parasitic eggs present in the nest cup at one time |
| Hosthatched | | Physical quantity | The total number of host eggs that successfully hatched |
| BHCOhatched | | Physical quantity | The total number of parasitic eggs that successfully hatched |
| Maxhostyoung | | Physical quantity | The maximum number of host young present in the nest cup at one time |
| MaxBHCOyoung | | Physical quantity | The maximum number of parasitic young present in the nest cup at one time |
| Hostfledged | | Physical quantity | The total number of host young that successfully fledged from the nest |
| BHCOfledged | | Physical quantity | The total number of parasitic young that successfully fledged from the nest |