The 2015 Annual Konza Prairie LTER Workshop was held on May 29, 2015 at the Konza Prairie Biological Station in the Cortelyou Lecture Hall.
- Meeting Agenda
- List Presentations:
- John Blair (KSU) - Welcome and introductions; overview of the Konza Prairie LTER program
- Brett Sandercock (KSU) - Blazing and grazing for conservation: Resource selection and nest survival of Upland Sandpipers in an experimental landscape.
- Lydia Zeglin (KSU) - Microbial mechanisms of drought tolerance and the implications for grassland soil carbon storage
- Walter Dodds (KSU) - Extreme stream-ecosystem effects from riparian disturbance in an otherwise intact watershed
- Allison Veach (KSU) - Woody plant encroachment, and its removal, impact bacterial and fungal communities across stream and terrestrial habitats in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem
- Drew Scott (SIU) - Soil conditions alter plant-plant competition dynamics of Andropogon gerardii
- Ellen Welti (KSU) - Environmental drivers of plant-pollinator community
- Logan Shoup (KSU) - Variability in macroinvertebrate assemblages and tallgrass and mixed grass prairie headwater streams
- E.J. Raynor (KSU) - Resource selection of a native grazer in nutritionally heterogeneous grassland
- George Manning (SIU) - Processes influencing community assembly during grassland restoration
- Kim O’Keefe (KSU) - Patterns of hydraulic lift in a Tallgrass Prairie
- T.J. Adams - Effect of soil heterogeneity on plant recruitment and Orthoptera in restored Prairie
- Melinda Smith (CSU) - ChANGE: Assessing thresholds of species responses to increased nitrogen availability
Andrea Brookfield (KU) - Groundwater / surface water interactions at Konza: Flow and thermal transport in N4D
- Jennifer Smith (NEON) - National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON): A new resource for continental-scale ecology
- List Posters:
- Meghan Avolio - Chronic nitrogen and phosphorus additions alter the composition and productivity of tallgrass prairie communities
- Elsie Denton - The Extreme Drought in Grasslands Experiment (EDGE)
- Sally Koerner - Ghost Fire: Understanding the mechanisms behind fire effects on community and ecosystem function
- Jennifer Smith – The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- TJ Adams - The role of soil heterogeneity in the recruitment of new species in restored prairie
- Francis Chaves - Resource limitation in the compensatory response of a plant community to the loss of a dominant species
- Andrew Felton (KSU) - Directionality, magnitude, and duration of precipitation extremes
- Victoria Floyd - Long term burning and fertilization affects seasonal patterns of microbial activity in tallgrass prairie soils
- Matt Galliart - Adaptive trait variation and genetic divergence of a widespread grass Andropogon gerardii across a Great Plains' climate gradient
- Jesus Gomez - Responses of a grassland spider community to habitat structural heterogeneity driven by fire and bison grazing disturbances interactions
- Kelly Logan - Diagnosing land-atmosphere coupling strength
- Brock Norwood - Terrestrial LiDAR characterization of stream-bed roughness in support of understanding CO2 efflux from an intermittent, headwater stream
- Noortje Notenbaert - Greenhouse gas fluxes from beef cattle grazing systems in the tallgrass prairie
- Michael Rawitch - Quantifying CO2 efflux from headwater streams
- Drew Ricketts - Resource utilization by a top predator in an experimental landscape
- Logan Shoup - Variability in macroinvertebrate assemblages and tallgrass and mixed grass prairie headwater streams
- Bram Verheijen - Does patch-burn grazing management increase nest survival of declining populations of grassland songbirds?