Please select what columns you would like to include.
CaptureIDNominalUnique identification number for record
CaptureDateDate/timeDate bird was captured
WatershedNominalWatershed code of bird was captured on
SpeciesCodeNominalAmerican Ornithologists’ Union/American Ornithological Society species code
CaptureTimeDate/timeTime bird captured
CaptureMethodNominalTime bird captured
RecapNominalTrue or False if bird was previously captured
BandPrefixNumberPhysical quantityFirst four numbers on Federal silver band
BandSuffixNumberPhysical quantityLast five numbers on Federal silver band
ColorBandsNominalUnique 4 color leg-band pattern
AgeNominalAge of captured bird
HowAgedNominalBasis for aging decision
SexNominalSex of captured bird
CPPhysical quantityCloacal Protuberance Scale (males only)
BPPhysical quantityBrood Patch Scale (females only)
HowSexedNominalBasis for sexing decision
HeadBillPhysical quantityDistance from back of head to end tip of bill
TarsusPhysical quantityLength of tarsus
WingChordPhysical quantityLength of (unflattened) wing chord
FatScorePhysical quantityVisible, subcutaneous furcular fat score
BloodSampleNominalWas a blood sample taken?
BirdMassPhysical quantityMass of bird
HowWeighedNominalInstrument used to mass bird
BanderNominalInitials of person responsible for banding bird
PhotosNominalTRUE if photos (head, wing) were taken of the bird
TotalBloodPhysical quantityμl of whole blood collected
HaematocritPhysical quantityPercent of haematocrit to total blood amount (mm= μl)
FeatherNominalTRUE if a feather taken at capture
FeatherCollectedNominalWhich feather was collected? P = primary
ConcTRIGPhysical quantityConcentration of triglycerides in plasma
TRIGNominalWas the CV over 20?
ConcBUTYPhysical quantityConcentration of β-hydroxy Butyrate
BUTYNominalTRUE if CV was over 20%
FatMassPhysical quantityMass of fat as measured by QMR
LeanMassPhysical quantityMass of muscle as measured by QMR
BodyWaterPhysical quantityMass of body water as measured by QMR
PositionRegionNominalUTM Zone
PositionXPhysical quantityEasting (latitude)
PositionYPhysical quantityNorthing (longitude)
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