Please select what columns you would like to include.
NestAutoIDPhysical quantityUnique identification
NestIDNominalUnique name for nest with the pattern watershed-observer-number
NestOrientationPhysical quantityBearing toward nest cup opening
WatershedNominalWatershed where nest was found (KNZ codes)
DateFoundDate/timeDate of first nest check
FemaleBandsNominalUnique 4 color leg-band pattern
MaleBandsNominalUnique 4 color leg-band pattern
ObserverNominalUnique code for technicians
MethodFoundNominalHow nest was found
StageFoundNominalStage of nest when discovered
iButtonsNominalTRUE if iButtons placed
DateiButtonsPDate/timeDate iButtons were placed
TimeiButtonsPDate/timeTime iButtons were placed
DateiButtonsRDate/timeDate iButtons were retrieved
TimeiButtonsRDate/timeTime iButtons were retrieved
EggsMeasuredNominalTRUE if eggs were measured
EggMeasureIDPhysical quantityUnique identifier for each egg measured
EggMeasureDateDate/timeDate eggs measured
EggLengthPhysical quantityLength of egg by calipers
EggWidthPhysical quantityWidth of egg by calipers
EggMassPhysical quantityMass of egg in tared weight boat on scale
NestlingsMeasuredNominalTRUE if nestlings measured
MaxNHostEggsPhysical quantityMaximum number of grasshopper sparrows observed in clutch
TotalClutchSizePhysical quantityTotal number of eggs in nest
NCowbirdsPhysical quantityNumber of cowbird nestlings in nest
BroodSizePhysical quantityTotal number of nestlings
NHostFledgePhysical quantityNumber of GRSP nestlings fledged
NCowbirdsFledgePhysical quantityNumber of BHCO nestlings fledged
DateHatchDate/timeDate of first egg hatched
HatchDayInferredNominalTRUE if hatch day is inferred
Date1stEggDate/timeDate of first egg layed
1stEggDayInferredNominalTRUE if egg data estimated
1stEggDateUncertainPhysical quantityLevel of uncertainty for 1st egg date: No of days +/- in estimate of first egg layed
DateFledgeFailDate/timeDate of last nest check
InferredFateFieldNominalFate of nest deduced in field
InferredFateLabNominalFate of nest deduced after reviewing iButton data in the lab
ComDateVerifiedNominalTRUE if nest fate can be verified by iButton data
iButtonComDateDate/timeNest completion date as indicated by iButton data
iButtonComTimeDate/timeNest completion time as indicated by iButton data
PartialEggLossNominalTRUE if some eggs disappear without reason and without complete nest failure
DateCBEggLossDate/timeNest check date before partial egg loss
TimeCBEggLossDate/timeNest check time before partial egg loss
DateCAEggLossDate/timeNest check date after partial egg loss
TimeCAEggLossDate/timeNest check time after partial egg loss
PartialBroodLossNominalTRUE if some nestlings disappear without reason and without complete nest failure
DateCBBroodLossDate/timeNest check date before partial brood loss
TimeCBBroodLossDate/timeNest check time before partial brood loss
DateCABroodLossDate/timeNest check date after partial brood loss
TimeCABroodLossDate/timeNest check time after partial brood loss
FailTimeStormPhysical quantityTime between nest failure and nearest previous storm time
StormSevereNominalTRUE if most recent storm before nest failure was severe (>=11.65 mm per rain event)
PositionRegionNominalUTM zone
PositionXNominalEasting (latitude)
PositionYNominalNorthing (longitude)
Please choose any filters you would like to add.