| SweepSampleEventID | | Physical quantity | SweepSampleEventID |
| TransectID | | Nominal | Unique name for sweep sample point |
| Watershed | | Nominal | watershed |
| DateSampled | | Date/time | Date of sweep sample |
| TimeSampled | | Date/time | Time of sweep sample |
| SampledBy | | Nominal | Person who carried out sweep sample in field |
| ProcessedBy | | Nominal | Person who processed the sweep sample in lab |
| SweepNumber | | Physical quantity | Each transects has two sweeps per DateSampled (1 or 2) |
| DateProcessed | | Date/time | Date sample was processed in lab |
| InedibleMass | | Physical quantity | Mass of inedible insects as according to GRSP eating habits in one sweep |
| EdibleMass | | Physical quantity | Mass of edible insects as according to GRSP eating habits in one sweep |
| TotalWetMass | | Physical quantity | Total mass of insects in one sweep before drying in oven |
| Temperature | | Physical quantity | Temperature |
| Wind | | Physical quantity | Wind speed status |
| Cloud | | Physical quantity | Cloud status |