Please select what columns you would like to include.
SweepSampleEventIDPhysical quantitySweepSampleEventID
TransectIDNominalUnique name for sweep sample point
DateSampledDate/timeDate of sweep sample
TimeSampledDate/timeTime of sweep sample
SampledByNominalPerson who carried out sweep sample in field
ProcessedByNominalPerson who processed the sweep sample in lab
SweepNumberPhysical quantityEach transects has two sweeps per DateSampled (1 or 2)
DateProcessedDate/timeDate sample was processed in lab
InedibleMassPhysical quantityMass of inedible insects as according to GRSP eating habits in one sweep
EdibleMassPhysical quantityMass of edible insects as according to GRSP eating habits in one sweep
TotalWetMassPhysical quantityTotal mass of insects in one sweep before drying in oven
TemperaturePhysical quantityTemperature
WindPhysical quantityWind speed status
CloudPhysical quantityCloud status
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