Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecTypePhysical quantityRecord type
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of record
BurnTrtNominalBurn treatment (Annual or Unburned)
BlockNominalBlock code (A, B, C, D, E, F)
PlotPhysical quantityPlot number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
SpnumPhysical quantityA unique numeric value assigned to each of the species in the data set.
CoverPhysical quantityPercent aerial cover
GenusNominalTaxa associated with plant composition and cover class
SpeciesNominalSpecies name
SubspeciesNominalSubgroups within a species
FamilyfamilyNominalPlant species family name.
LifespanNominalThe life cycle of plant
FuncgroupNominalPlant functional types
N_fixerNominalNitrogen fixation type
Photo_pathwayNominalPhotosynthesis pathway
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