| RecYear | | Physical quantity | the year of data was collected |
| Date | | Date/time | Date |
| Watershed | | Nominal | Watershed |
| Habitat | | Nominal | Habitat for sample collected |
| Replicate | | Physical quantity | Replicates |
| Transect | | Physical quantity | Transect replicate number within each watershed. Transects are perpindicular to the current. |
| Width | | Physical quantity | Width of each transect (m) |
| mean_sub | | Physical quantity | Average substrate code for all points SUB1 - SUB5 along the transect |
| mean_dep | | Physical quantity | Average depth (m) for all points DEP1 - DEP5 along the transect |
| mean_vel | | Physical quantity | Average velocity (cubic meters per second) for all points VEL1 - VEL5 along the transect |
| SUB1 | | Physical quantity | Substrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at first point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock |
| SUB2 | | Physical quantity | Substrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at second point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock |
| SUB3 | | Physical quantity | Substrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at third point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock |
| SUB4 | | Physical quantity | Substrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at fourth point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock |
| SUB5 | | Physical quantity | Substrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at fifth point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock |
| DEP1 | | Physical quantity | Depth (m) at the first point along transect |
| DEP2 | | Physical quantity | Depth (m) at the second point along transect |
| DEP3 | | Physical quantity | Depth (m) at the third point along transect |
| DEP4 | | Physical quantity | Depth (m) at the fourth point along transect |
| DEP5 | | Physical quantity | Depth (m) at the fifth point along transect |
| VEL1 | | Physical quantity | Velocity (cms) at the first point along transect |
| VEL2 | | Physical quantity | Velocity (cms) at the second point along transect |
| VEL3 | | Physical quantity | Velocity (cms) at the third point along transect |
| VEL4 | | Physical quantity | Velocity (cms) at the fourth point along transect |
| VEL5 | | Physical quantity | Velocity (cms) at the fifth point along transect |
| Densi1 | | Physical quantity | Densiometer reading from middle of transect looking upstream. Values range from 0 to 96. 0 = no canopy cover and 96 = full canopy cover. |