Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecYearPhysical quantitythe year of data was collected
HabitatNominalHabitat for sample collected
ReplicatePhysical quantityReplicates
TransectPhysical quantityTransect replicate number within each watershed. Transects are perpindicular to the current.
WidthPhysical quantityWidth of each transect (m)
mean_subPhysical quantityAverage substrate code for all points SUB1 - SUB5 along the transect
mean_depPhysical quantityAverage depth (m) for all points DEP1 - DEP5 along the transect
mean_velPhysical quantityAverage velocity (cubic meters per second) for all points VEL1 - VEL5 along the transect
SUB1Physical quantitySubstrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at first point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock
SUB2Physical quantitySubstrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at second point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock
SUB3Physical quantitySubstrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at third point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock
SUB4Physical quantitySubstrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at fourth point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock
SUB5Physical quantitySubstrate code representing the dominant sustrate type at fifth point along transect. 1 = clay, 2 = silt, 3 = sand, 4 = gravel, 5 = pebble, 6 = cobble, 7 = boulder, 8 = bedrock
DEP1Physical quantityDepth (m) at the first point along transect
DEP2Physical quantityDepth (m) at the second point along transect
DEP3Physical quantityDepth (m) at the third point along transect
DEP4Physical quantityDepth (m) at the fourth point along transect
DEP5Physical quantityDepth (m) at the fifth point along transect
VEL1Physical quantityVelocity (cms) at the first point along transect
VEL2Physical quantityVelocity (cms) at the second point along transect
VEL3Physical quantityVelocity (cms) at the third point along transect
VEL4Physical quantityVelocity (cms) at the fourth point along transect
VEL5Physical quantityVelocity (cms) at the fifth point along transect
Densi1Physical quantityDensiometer reading from middle of transect looking upstream. Values range from 0 to 96. 0 = no canopy cover and 96 = full canopy cover.
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