Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecDateDate/timeDate gas exchange samples were collected (YYYY-MM-DD)
Project_DayPhysical quantityDay since start of growing woody plant juveniles in the two different CO2 concentration treatments.
UnitNominalLI-6400 unit used for making the gas exchange measurements.
CO2_trtPhysical quantityCO2 concentration treatments (400 ppm & 800 ppm)
H2O_trtNominalWater stress treatment (< 10% VWC for Juniperus osteosperma & < 20% VWC for Cornus drummondii, Gleditsia triacanthos, Rhus glabra), or control (well-watered)
SpeciesNominalWoody plant species: Cornus drummondii, Gleditsia triacanthos, Juniperus osteosperma, and Rhus glabra
BlockPhysical quantityBlock of woody plant species in each greenhouse bay
ReplicatePhysical quantityThe sample of each woody plant species randomly chosen for gas exchange measurements
A_netPhysical quantityNet photosynthetic rate (μmol m^-2 s^-1)
g_sPhysical quantityStomatal conductance (mols m^-2 s^-1)
CiPhysical quantityIntercellular CO2 concentration (μmol mol^-1)
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