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RecTypePhysical quantityRecord type
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of record
RecMonthPhysical quantityMonth of record
RecDayPhysical quantityDay of record
doyPhysical quantityDay of year
Plot_2017NominalPlot designation in 2017, after irrigation lines were shifted
gwcPhysical quantitygravimetric water content on soil sample used to measure extractable C and microbial biomass C.
ppm_micbioPhysical quantitySoil microbial biomass C (ppm) (0-10 cm depth) measured on a TOC analyzer using chloroform fumigation extraction
init_soilppmPhysical quantitySoil extractable organic C (ppm) (0-10 cm depth) from unfumigated soil samples measured on a TOC analyzer
CurrentNominalTreatment in 2017, after irrigation lines were shifted.
ReplicateNominalIrrigation line: (A) started in 1991, (B) started in 1993.
Transect_1993NominalPrevious treatment (1991-2016).
Plot_1993NominalPlot designation 1991-2017, before irrigation lines were shifted. Plots that are currently in the reduced (R) treatment did not have plot numbers during this time
Plot_1992NominalPlot designations in 1992, while second irrigation line was being added. These plot designations are not typically used.
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