| RecYear | | Physical quantity | Year of record |
| Forb | | Nominal | Forb species |
| Block | Block | Nominal | letter of ConSME block |
| Plot | Plot | Physical quantity | Plot Number |
| Bp | Bp | Code list | were bison present in that plot |
| Sp | Sp | Code list | were small mammals present in that plot |
| Insctcde | Insctcde | Code list | was insecticide applied to that plot |
| X | | Physical quantity | Position of plant, in cm, along the transect in the x direction (i.e., parallel to the long side of the transect) |
| Y | | Physical quantity | Position of plant, in cm, along the transect in the y direction (i.e., perpendicular to the long side of the transect) |
| Mrk | | Nominal | Information used to relocate the plant in the field |
| H | H | Physical quantity | Height of the plant in cm (not measured in 2020) |
| N | N | Physical quantity | Number of basal stems that are longer than 5 cm |
| F | F | Nominal | Number of flowers or fruits (some times with multiple measures) |
| Cov | Cov | Physical quantity | percent (living) ground cover in a 15 cm radius around the plant |
| Note | | Nominal | a piece of information about the plant that is permanent. Important notes include: ddXX (died in XX, where XX is the 2-digit year); mpdXX (missing in XX, and should be assumed to be dead, where XX is the 2-digit year); and d < 0.5 (diameter is under 0.5 mm, and thus the diameter was not measured) |
| Comments | | Nominal | a piece of information about the plant that is temporary, and only applies for one year. Important comments include: sen (senesced, indicating measurements are missing, but plant was alive); qsAA-BB: we conducted a search for unmarked individuals, between 400-500 (y direction) and AA-BB (x direction); missed: we found this unmarked plant in the search, but it is more than one year old, and thus is not a new recruit since the last survey; new: we found this unmarked plant in the search, and it is a new recruit since the last survey. |