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DataCodeNominalDataset code
RecTypePhysical quantityRecord type
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of sample
OBJECTIDPhysical quantitynumber assigned to each unique polygon of area
SlopePhysical quantitySlope (degrees) - category of slope to which the polygon belonged (1 = 0 to <6 degrees; 2 = 6 to 12 degrees; 3 = >12 degrees)
ElevationPhysical quantityElevation (meters above sea level) - category of elevation to which each polygon belonged (1 = 333 to <360 meters; 2 = 360 to <388 meters; 3 = 388 to <415 meters; 4 = 415 to 443 meters)
WatershedNominalWatershed designation
FireFreqPhysical quantityFrequency watershed was burned (1 = burned annually; 2 = burned every 2 years; 4 = burned every 4 years; 20 = burned every 20 years)
SurfacePhysical quantitySurface size (in hectares) of each polygon
NwallowsPhysical quantityNumber of wallows identified in each polygon
DensityPhysical quantityDensity of wallows per hectare for each polygon
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