Please select what columns you would like to include.
RecYearPhysical quantityYear of sample
StreamPhysical quantityStream
TreatmentPhysical quantityTreatment (1-7)
MacroNominalMacrohabitat (pool or riffle, P/R)
Open_ExclNominalOpen or exclosure (E/O)
ChlaPhysical quantitychlorophyll a
AFLPhysical quantityalgal filament lengths
CBOMPhysical quantitycourse benthic organic matter
FBOMPhysical quantityfine benthic organic matter
TotalBOMPhysical quantitytotal benthic organic matter
Bug_biomassPhysical quantitymacroinvertebrate biomass
Bug_richnessPhysical quantitymacroinvertebrate richness
Bug_abundPhysical quantitymacroinvertebrate abundance
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