
CBC02 Winter-spring survival and response of birds to variable climate using mist-net captures at Konza Prairie


This dataset includes captures of small-bodied landbirds captured via passive mist-netting efforts. The objectives are to (a) initiate a long-term survey of the non-breeding birds of the site, (b) understand the behavioral and physiological mechanisms that allow birds to cope with the unpredictable, variable, and often harsh conditions during winter months, and (c) provide a training platform for students. The collection of this dataset is fully integrated into the teaching of “Wild Bird Research” (an undergraduate hands-on research course in the Division of Biology) and less formal instruction in bird research methods for graduate students. Additionally, the banding efforts have benefited from the engagement of Konza Prairie docents and frequently hosts class visits and other visitors interested in witness bird banding operations.

Data set ID: 


Core Areas: 

Short name: 



Captures occurred typically 4 ~consequetive days/month in each of the following months: Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr in most years. In some years, one or more months not sampled (e.g. COVID year). Each row in the nets table pertains to a single 12-m mist-net open on a single day and provides information on how long that net was open and available to capture birds. Each row in the capture table pertains to an individual captured on a certain day. Individual birds car repeat in this table if they were recaptured on the same or a different day. All birds were banded with a uniquely-numbered USFWS band. Most captures include data on age, sex, tarsus, wing chord, molt score, fat score, and mass. In many cases, a single feather was collected for collaboration with the Bird Genoscape Project. Some individuals were measured for body composition (fat mass, lean mass, and body water) using a mobile Quantitative Magnetic Resonance (QMR) machine. All birds were released at the location of capture or within 400 m of the capture net (central banding location in the middle of the watershed). Data are entered and stored in a MS Access database called LTERBandingData and backed up to the cloud and accessible by members of the Boyle lab. The queries that extract data files archived here are called Qy_LTERExport_NetHours and Qy_LTERExport_Captures

Research location: Watershed 20C. 40 fixed mist-net locations (permanent rebar) located along 10 lines bisecting habitat types within watershed. Primarily near the stream, through shrubby or treed areas, and extending into grassy areas.

There are two primary data files associated with this data package: CBC021 - NetHours.csv which provides information on the dates and capture effort for each date, and CBC022 - Captures.csv where all the bird data resides. They are related via the NetEventID field. Also provided is a list of Species data - CBC023 (links to captures via the SpeciesCode field and People (the Initials field corresponds to the Bander in the Captures table).

For additional metadata information see:
For additional methods information see:

Data sources: 




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