Variable Measured: Location, date found, egg measurements, bird sex, stage of nest, inferred fate of nest.
Codes Used:
GRSP Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum)
BHCO Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater)
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Color Band Color Abbreviations:
A Gray
B (Light) Blue
D Dark (Blue)
G Green
K Black
O Orange
P Pink
R Red
S Silver
W White
Y Yellow
AB W. Alice Boyle
ADT Alaina Thomas
AJH Alex Henry
AMC Amanda Charpinel
BJR Breyana Ramsey
BV Bram Verheijen
CES Chelsea Sink
CRW Caitie Weichmann
DDH Destiney Hett
DJS Dylan Smith
EJH Emily Hudson
EJW Emily Williams
HN Hunter Nedland
JMG Jackie Gehrt
KRW Kyle Wait
LTA Lauren Angermeyer
MLG Michaela Gustafson
SKW Sarah Winnicki
SVR Suzy Replogle Curnutt
Method Found:
BO Behavioral Observation
RW Random Walking
RD Rope Dragging
OT Other
UN Unknown
Stage Found:
BU Building
LAY Laying
IB Incubating
NG Nestlings
FL Fledged/Fledglings
Inferred Fate:
SU Fledged =1 GRSP
SC Fledged =1 GRSP and =1BHCO
CO Fledged only BHCO or abandoned due to cowbird parasitism
PR Nest contents eaten
AB Abandoned for no apparent reason
TR Trampled by livestock
WE Nest flooded, nestlings died of exposure
HU Suspected human-caused abandonment or destruction
For additional metadata information see: (link is external)
For additional methods information see: (link is external)