SRP01 Sequential prairie restoration experiment at Konza Prairie


Annual aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) from the Sequential Prairie Restoration Experiment at the Konza Prairie Long-Term Ecological Research site in Manhattan, KS USA. The data (SRP011) include ANPP from the first three years of restoration in each of three restoration sequences initiated in different years. Data correspond to subplot and whole-plot analyses. The Sequential Prairie Restoration Experiment is a block design with 4 subplots (labeled A - D) within 4 main plots (numbered 1 - 4) sequentially replicated in three blocks (Sequences 1, 2 and 3), with the restoration in each block initiated in a different year (Sequence 1 initiated in 2010, Sequence 2 initiated in 2012, and Sequence 3 initiated in 2014). 'NO-COLL' indicates that variable was not measured, A period in the dataset indicates missing data.

Plant species composition data include plant composition from the first two sequences (Sequence I restored in 2010 and Sequence II restored in 2012) in all years from 2010  to 2020 (SRP012); and from the first four sequences (I to IV restored every other year from 2010 to 2016) for the first five growing seasons in each sequence (SRP013).

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Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) (SRP011) was estimated by harvesting biomass from two 0.1 m2 randomly placed quadrats (except for sequence 2 in 2012 and 2013, which had 4 replicates sampled within deer exclosures nested in each subplot) in September, at peak biomass, from each of the 16 subplots within each restoration sequences. Biomass was clipped at the end of each growing season in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Biomass was dried for 1 week at 60°C, sorted into planted species, non-planted species, and surface litter (not collected in all years), and weighed. Biomass in each subplot was multiplied by 10 to convert ANPP to units of g m-2 y-1. Missing data is represented by a period (.).

Plant species composition (SRP012) is measured twice a year in May and September, with the exception of the year when a sequence was installed and composition was not measured that May. The maximum cover of species across both time points was recorded. All subplots were sampled through the 6th growing season, afterwhich only half of the subplots were sampled. The subplots sampled after the 6th growing season were randomly selected from each plot for each sequence and the same subplots were sampled over time. All plant species in a permanent 10 m2 circular plot within a subplot were recorded, and the canopy cover of each species was estimated using a modified Daubenmire scale.

Plant species composition (SRP013) is measured twice a year in May and September, with the exception of the year when a sequence was installed and composition was not measured that May. The maximum cover of species across both time points was recorded for all subplots. All plant species in a permanent 10 m2 circular plot within a subplot were recorded, and the canopy cover of each species was estimated using a modified Daubenmire scale.

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