point-quarter method

PWV02 Importance values of gallery forest vegetation at Konza Prairie, 1983


Eighteen gallery forest stands, representing nearly all of the nondisturbed forests on Konza Prairie, were sampled during the 1983 growing season. The point-quarter method at 20 sample points was used to sample overstory vegetation. Species names and diameter were recorded for the four sampled trees in each plot. From these data frequency, density and dominance were calculated to derive importance values for each species in a stand.

Core Areas: 

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Collect base-line woody vegetation data from Konza Prairie gallery forests.

Data sources: 


Location of Sampling Stations: Kings Creek, North and South branches of Kings Creek, Shane Creek (including North and South branches), and White Pasture stands.

Frequency of Sampling:18 stands (one per site) were selected as homogeneous units of gallery forest vegetation large enough to contain 20 sample points (at 30 paces apart).

Variable Measured: Date, location, species, variety, diameter, age.

Methods: Point-quarter method, 20 points surveyed per stand. Points laid out systematically (every 30 paces) along a transect through the midpoint between gallery forest edge and stream. Ages of 2 selected trees per point were determined by tree coring.

For additional metadata information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/DC.pdf (link is external)

For additional methods information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/MM.pdf (link is external)



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