water quality

ASW01 Stream water quality at the flumes on watersheds N04D and N02B and at the Shane Creek crossing on watershed SA at Konza Prairie


Turbidity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, and pH are measured on streams draining catchments with 2-year (N02B), 4-year (N04D), and rotational (SA, SB, and SC) burns. Measurements are taken at 10 minute intervals upstream of the flume or crossing. Water quality parameters are measured using Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) multiparameter water quality sondes model 6600 or 6920. Turbidity and dissolved oxygen are measured using YSI 6136 optical turbidity probe and YSI 6150 ROX optical dissolved oxygen probe. Conductivity, temperature, and pH are measured with the YSI 6560 temperature and conductivity sensor. The prairie streams are 3rd-order and are intermittent. The period of record started in October, 2008 and missing records are explained by the YSI sondes being removed for data download or the stream being dry or frozen.

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To study water quality parameters of streams draining tallgrass prairie catchments, to estimate surface losses of solids including sediment, to allow estimation of whole stream metabolism, and to compare water quality characteristics of burn frequencies, grazing practices, and riparian cover. The sites samples represent bison grazed, patch burn grazed (following a pre- grazing period) and riparian vegetation removal.


Location of Sampling Stations: Two sites are currently grazed by bison with a burn frequency of 2 (N02B) and 4 (N04D). The third site (SHAN) is currently ungrazed and has had a burn frequency of 1-2 years. In 2011, this site will undergo a new burning regime (patch burn on a 3-year rotation) and grazing (cattle) treatment. Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) sondes are deployed at the deepest pool upstream of the flume at N02B (H-22 grid location) and N04D (K-22) and the crossing at SHAN (T-9) with the criteria that the pool is within 30 meters of the flume or crossing.

Frequency of Sampling and Variables Measured: Water quality parameters are recorded every 10 minutes with YSI multiparameter water quality sondes model 6600 or 6920. Each record includes a date and time of the measurement and values for turbidity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, temperature, and pH (see data set ASW01). These sondes use optical methods for turbidity and dissolved oxygen. Data are uploaded from the YSI sondes at approximately one to two week intervals. A near continuous record is kept, however missing records exist and are explained by the YSI sondes being removed for data download or the stream being dry or frozen.

Methods: Water quality parameters are measured using Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI). multiparameter water quality sondes model 6600 or 6920. Turbidity and dissolved oxygen are measured using the YSI 6136 optical turbidity probe and the YSI 6150 ROX optical dissolved oxygen probe. Conductivity, temperature, and pH are measured with the YSI 6560 temperature and conductivity sensor.

The YSI sensors are calibrated at approximately the first of every month with the exception that the YSI 6150 ROX optical dissolved oxygen probe is calibrated every one to two weeks. Calibration methods and solutions are according to the YSI reference manual.

The YSI sondes are set to record unattended samples at 10 minute intervals. The YSI sondes are deployed inside a wire cage for protection from grazer traffic and cabled to a tree. Data logging is stopped using a handheld YSI 650MDS before the YSI sondes are retrieved. The YSI sondes are transported to the Bushnell Limnology lab where they are calibrated and the data are uploaded as ASCII text files using EcoWatch software. Microsoft Excel is used to open the ASCII files and add comments. The files are reformatted as comma-separated values and written onto the network.

Form of Data Output: Data are uploaded from the YSI sondes as ASCII text files at 10 minute intervals using EcoWatch software. Any comments are added and then data are stored as comma-separated values (.csv) files. The data from each site are stored as separate files on the LTER network.

ASW011: water quality data for watershed N02B

ASW012: water quality data for watershed N04D

ASW013: water quality data for watersheds SA, SB, and SC (Shane Creek)

For additional metadata information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/DC.pdf

For additional methods information see: http://lter.konza.ksu.edu/sites/default/files/MM.pdf

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