

AMC01 Growing season microclimate by topographic position for annually-burned and 4-yr burned watersheds at Konza Prairie


Dataset contains 30min averages of many variables used to record changes in microclimatic conditions. Microclimate sensor stations were arrayed in discrete topographic positions (upland, slope, lowland) in 4 watersheds: 1D, 1B, 4B, 4F. No microclimate sensor stations were present in upland-1D or lowland-4B because eddy flux towers are present in these locations. Similar microclimate data is available from these flux towers during the time period of this study.

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Microclimate sensor stations were established in 10 locations in March 2010. Data collection occurred primarily during the growing season (April-Sept) until Sept, 2013. Sensor stations were arrayed in discrete topographic positions (upland, slope, lowland) in 4 watersheds:1D, 1B, 4B, 4F. No microclimate sensor stations were present in upland-1D or lowland-4B because eddy flux towers are present in these locations and collected microclimate data during the time period of this study. 

The microclimate of each plot was characterized during the growing season by measuring soil moisture at 10 cm, 30 cm, and 100 cm (Hydraprobe II, Stevens Water Monitoring Systems), wind speed (3-cup anemometer, Wind Sentry, Campbell Sci), air temperature (100K thermistor, Betatherm) and relative humidity (HM1500, Humirel) enclosed in a radiation shield (41003, RM Young). Infrared temperature was measured with an IRR-P sensor, (Apogee Instruments). Measured relative humidity and air temperature were used to calculate the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) for each plot. All sensors were sampled every 10 s using CR10X dataloggers at each plot (Campbell Scientific Inc. Logan, UT) and 30-min averages were recorded.

Missing data are signified with the value '-9999'

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