

GIS60 GIS Coverages Defining Other Konza Sample and Research Areas (1982-present)


These data show locations of samples and research areas at Konza that do not fit under our standard classifications. GIS 600 contains the locations of the Hulbert plots on Konza Prairie. GIS605 contains locations for rainfall shelters, ramps, experimental streams, restoration plots, the weather station, grasshopper cages, the climate extremes project. Currently no associated LTER datasets exist for these locations. GIS 610 provides a record of the historic Konza gridded location system. Older datasets may reference these locations with a column letter and row number. GIS615 contains the location for the Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) site on Konza Prairie. For more information, visit the following link: GIS620 contains the location for the USGS gauging station. These data may be used in conjunction with the Stream Discharge for Kings Creek Measured at USGS Gauging Station (ASD01) dataset. For more information, visit the following link: GIS630) and GIS635 contain the location and treatment information for two bison grant grazing experiments. Currently, no associated LTER datasets exist for these data.

These data are available to download as zipped shapefiles (.zip), compressed Google Earth KML layers (.kmz).

Data set ID: 


Core Areas: 

Short name: 



Information relevant to the GIS data encoding

Horizontal Coordinate System Name:NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14N

Datum: D North American 1983
Reference Ellipsoid: Name: GRS 1980 Semi Axis: 6378137.0
Meridian: Greenwich
Projection Name : Transverse Mercator

Data sources: 




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